01 Visual Identity
02 Logo design

01 Poster design
02 Animation
03 3D design

01 Editorial design
02 Print design

01 Editorial design
02 Print design

01 3D design
02 Poster design
03 Animation

01 3D design
02 Art direction
03 Animation  
04 Sound design

01 Ux-Ui design
02 Sound design
03 Animation

01 3d design
02 Poster design
03 Visual identity

01 Poster design/
02 Animation

01 Poster design 
02 Animation
03 Sound design

01 Visual Identity 
02 Poster design
03 Art direction

01 Mixed media
02 Collage
03 Poster design

This is an ongoing project called “Archiv”—the idea of archiving everything you see throughout the day and creating one design, or concept from it. The key for this project was to create every day, which helped me, to be more present in my daily routine and seek “inspiration” by noticing more details around me. These are my favorite works from the series.
01The typographic exploration of the letter “P”.

02 Typographic poster exploration. Shifting places/ Performance poster.

03 Magazine cover concept for “Architecture Today”.

04Personal Branding. Business card concept for David Archiv.

05 Visual design, motion exploration. The idea was to use motion detection as an element in visual communication for the Contemporary dance festival.

06Typographic poster exploration for Frank Gehry’s Exhibit -” Where it all began”. Frank Gehry’s deconstructivist experiments.

07The typographic direction for “Mystyx”. 

08The typographic, analog play with the concept of “ Drowning”.

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